Frank Play ‘N’ Spell

ID: 70296

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13.2 $

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  • A series of educational toys introducing basic concepts to beginners
  • Develops imagination, coordination, visual learning
  • Increases memory skills through fun-filled activities
  • The child has to assemble the pieces to complete the picture, which will also reveal the name of the picture.
  • Includes 15 puzzles, and is suitable for children of 3 years and above.
  • The pieces are self-correcting, meaning that only the correct pieces will fit with each other. This helps in ensuring that the child learns the concept properly.
  • Helps in increasing the child’s concentration and focus, and developing their spelling skills, visual skills, motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
  • The product is made with good quality materials and printed using non-toxic inks.
SKU: SFT-10164 Category: